Tuesday 19 August 2014

"We should all be feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi

Before you decide she's some pot-smoking, man-hating, traumatised african woman, watch the video I've linked below and you'll understand her trail of thought. 
Chimamanda is a Nigerian  writer.  She has been called "the most prominent" of a "procession of critically acclaimed young anglophone authors [that] is succeeding in attracting a new generation of readers to African Literature. I've personally read two of her novels ( Purple Hibiscus and The Thing Around Your Neck) which I extremely recommend to anyone that enjoys literature in general.

In the video below she really challenges the african mentality in a way that noone has done in a very long time. Instead of using hate filled words she tries a new approach which is refreshing. 
I really look up to the way she's challenging the ancient way of thinking for most African people.
Still to this day (mind you with my feminist mind ) I find it wierd when my boyfriend does the dishes or the laundry because I was accustomed to the rule "the woman does all the homely work". But why?
AIM TO BE SUCCESSFUL BUT NOT TOO SUCCESSFUL OR ELSE YOU WILL THREATEN THE MAN - well I'm sure I would never find a man who sees me as a threat attractive anyway.
We should all be feminists: Chimamanda Ngozi Adic…: http://youtu.be/hg3umXU_qWc

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